Message: “What Dreams May Com” from Steven Bruce
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CloseSteven Bruce - July 14, 2024
God's Got Your Back (Psalm 7)

Scripture References: Psalms 7:1-17, Psalms 46:1, Psalms 139:23-24, Romans 12:19-21, James 1:14-15, 1 Peter 2:19-24
From Series: Summer in the Psalms | More Messages from Steven Bruce | Download Audio
From Series: "Summer in the Psalms"
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? joyful? frustrated? optimistic? despair? thankful? Angry? Do you have days where you feel all those emotions and more all in the same week? Sometimes all in the same day? All of these are part of the wiring God has given us, but we don’t always know what to do with all that we feel and experience as followers of Jesus. What if there was a guide to help us process all that think and feel in a way that not only is healthy, but helps us draw closer to God? The Psalms are a way that God shows us just how much he cares about us, because he provides a guide to help us express our deepest fears, our strongest regrets, our sorrows, our successes and our worship. to the One who deserves our praise, and can help us in all the rest. This Sunday we’re starting a summer series, Summer in the Psalms. Each week we’re going to take a look at a Psalm and see how we can better express ourselves to God and how God uses the Psalms to help us know His heart for us.